This post was originally published on The Mountain Astrologer
These links are for creators on various platforms — Substack, podcasts, online community development, etc. I focused (for now) on places where there is at least some free content. There are many other creative spaces which require a (sometimes very modest) subscription. It’s fun out there, Jupiter-Uranus is opening it all up in unimagined ways — more to come.
Thanks to In the (Virtual) Stars!, Jenn Zahrt’s newest episode on Within Orb podcast, I found out about a May 12 virtual reality event at + the astrohut +, created by astrologer, musician, artist and filmmaker Jean Eon. You can find the schedule and info about joining on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter/X: @TheAstrohut. It sounds like a fun time: “+ the astrohut + is a VR space on multiple platforms for teaching & learning astrology, meeting new friends and going on otherworldly adventures” (My avatar is under development.)
Astro Poets Alex Dimitrov and Dorothea Lasky are developing a community “of people who love art and possibility.” The write a free weekly horoscope, and will “be sharing horoscopes, poems that have helped us and poems that we love, imaginative interpretations of the full and new moon cycles, and some mysterious surprises (audio poems, photos, etc.)” Alex also writes an ongoing daily Twitter/X feed on Love.
The Cosmic Owl Louise Eddington is “a wisdom weaver, who helps women to re-weave the story of their lives, so that they are more able to be rooted in their core self in mind, body, and spirit.” She offers detailed daily Astrology Weather Posts which “are free and will always be so,” along with much more for paid subscribers.
astrology for writers is the work of Jeanna Kadlec: “practical magic for writers & artists who know that creative living and the business of *making* a creative living don’t cancel each other out.” There is a free subscriber list with newsletters arriving with the New and Full Moons. Also, ask jeanna where in a recent post she goes “beyond the Saturn Return” with lots of chart examples. Speaking of her introduction to astrology: “It was immediately apparent to me that observing the rhythms of the planets was an invitation out of capitalist hustle culture and back into a more relational way of observing not only nature’s cycles, but also our own….That astrology offered one method for healing what the pressures of capitalism had broken in our creative practices — or never allowed to flourish to begin with.”
Astrologer Adam Sommer, who has been in the community building space longer than many, has rebranded his long time podcast — it’s now called Constellating Cosmos (an astrological lens). Catch up with his current thinking here.
Alice Sparkly Kat has lots and lots of free content (with gentle invitation to support their work) including Astro Advice, and a monthly column with guides for each sign and prompts designed for self-inquiry: “Question for Scorpio for May 2024: When was the last time you asked for help? What is one object you use everyday that someone gave you? What is one word you learned from someone else that you didn’t invent yourself?”
From an introduction to their work: “Life is a wilderness. It is splintering. It can never be controlled. Life is survival. There is no innocence or heroism in survival. Survival does not provide neat solutions. However, it is mystical.”
Alice Bell writes: “I am obsessed with the art of prediction. I love studying ancient timing techniques, like transits, solar returns, and annual profections. Understanding that there is a timing to everything has brought me so much inner peace.” She offers a free list for one newsletter a month, and hosts a podcast, Astrology with Alice where “she covers the astrology for the week ahead, and learn how the planets might be impacting you. Also, tune in every other Thursday to hear about a different astrology topic, ranging from birth chart placements to timing techniques.”
Francesca Oddie has some free posts with many more options available to subscribers. Here’s a sample of her content: The Jupiter Uranus Conjunction. Her podcast: The Astrology Oddcast — “A conversational and friendly Oddcast with Francesca Oddie – a woman on a mission to bring the life-changing insights of Astrology to as many people as possible!”
Future Past Astrology (Astrological forecasts, cosmic questions, and other big-if-true musings) with Rachel Michel, “astrologer, writer, reader, cat enthusiast.” She posts free weekly forecasts on Sundays which include the decan and Tarot card or the transiting Moon. Here’s a sample: heavenly bodies // april 29 – may 5
Fifth House Astrology “is a blog / newsletter that explores the intersection of astrology, creativity, and culture as seen through the lens of the fifth house, the place in the birth chart that describes our creative impulses.” Sophie describes herself: “Stargazer, wordsmith, dance artist, mom. I use astrology as part of my creative process. Pisces sun, Libra moon, Gemini rising. Unapologetically (Pluto in Libra) Gen X.” She writes a free monthly newsletter and archives her past work, e.g. The Lot of Eros, and Top Ten Things That Improved My Astrology.
artwork: Landscape by Giacomo Balla (1913)
- Four of Wands, Venus ruled decan of Aries - Three of Wands, Sun ruled decan of Aries