This post was originally published on Astrology King
The full moon on January 13, 2025, aligns with Mars. Thus, the major themes of the full moon January 2025 astrology are passion, courage, anger and conflict. However, harmonious Uranus and Neptune aspects influence the spiritual meaning of the January 2025 full moon: higher self-awareness, creative expression, compassion and idealism.
The January 13 full moon gives aggressive instincts and a fighting spirit. It allows you to harness this martial energy constructively to initiate positive change or to fight for a worthy cause.
Full Moon January 2025 Astrology
The full moon on Monday, January 13, 2025, is at 23°59′ Cancer. Moon conjunct Mars is not the tightest aspect in the full moon astrology chart below but is the most significant. The Moon and Mars align with two extremely potent fixed stars that act like Mars. This volatile combination creates irritation, anger and conflict. Thankfully, Moon sextile Uranus and Mars trine Neptune provide safe outlets for this highly charged, impulsive energy.
Full Moon Polarity
Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces, such as work versus home or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This polarization can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.
However, heightened feelings and intuition make you more receptive and aware of relationship dynamics. Greater clarity and objectivity help you find emotional balance and security. Modifying your behavior and reactions can relieve tension and resolve relationship problems.
Mars Anger
Full Moon conjunct Mars (3°05′) gives the strength, courage, enthusiasm and initiative to act on your most passionate desires or fight for a worthy cause. You may become more competitive and assertive but restless, impatient, angry, mean, rude, jealous or vindictive.
Fast reflexes, aggressive instincts and sexual tension bring danger from acting impulsively. A lack of caution could lead to arguments, conflict, violence, accidents, cuts, and burns.
Mars retrograde makes it harder to express your energy, increasing irritation and frustration. Suppressed anger, resentment or wounding may resurface, and you may question the integrity or morality of your goals, desires, actions and behaviors.
Physical work, sports, exercise, or sex can help you relieve the buildup of tension. More ways to harness this hot Mars energy are mentioned later with Moon sextile Uranus and Mars trine Neptune. But first, it is essential to discover how the Moon-Mars conjunction is affected by the high-powered fixed stars in this region of the sky.
The Stars
The January 2025 Full Moon aligns with the star Pollux in the head of the Southern Twin of the Gemini Constellation. While Mars more closely aligns with Procyon in the Lesser Dog, Canis Minor Constellation. (This full moon is in the Sign of Cancer but the Constellation of Gemini because of the precession of the equinoxes.)
- 23♋34 – β Geminorum, Pollux
- 23♋59 – Moon
- 26♋08 – α Canis Minoris, Procyon
- 27♋04 – Mars

Full Moon January 2025
The Twins
A full moon in the Gemini Constellation brings a restless mind, dexterity, curiosity, imagination, versatility, ingenuity, and sympathy. It makes people receptive, inquisitive, progressive, humane, fluent, eloquent, and capable of grasping details and coping with emergencies.
However, the alignment of the Moon and Mars with challenging fixed stars could cause a lack of caution or self-control, a disregard for the facts, a lack of integrity and a tendency to jump to unwarranted conclusions. People may become indiscreet, unreliable, imprudent, flighty, overly talkative, and susceptible to flattery. [1]
The Boxer
Fixed star Pollux portends eminence and renown. [2] It gives a subtle, crafty, spirited, brave, audacious, cruel and rash nature, a love of boxing, dignified malevolence, and is connected with poisons. [3]
An excellent example is the Notorious fighter Conor McGregor with Moon (0°01′), Sun (1°15′), and IC (1°26′) conjunct Pollux.
With Moon (0°25′): Brutal, tyrannical, violent and cruel. [4] Hatred of the vulgar, ill-will of women, danger from thieves, violent death, power, pride, sickness, calamity, wounds, imprisonment, injuries to the face, defective sight or blindness. If opposition to the Sun, there is a danger to the mother’s honor and reputation. If conjunct Mars, death by suffocation, drowning or assassination. [3] Proud of heritage and accomplishments. Preferment in astrology, martial and public matters. Illness and self-destruction. [1]
The Little Dog
Fixed star Procyon gives a sound, sharp mind, drive, willpower, the ability to put thoughts and plans into action, [4] violence, sudden and violent malevolence, the danger of dog bites and hydrophobia. [3] Rise and success are found with it, but a later fall from a high position. Procyon makes people hasty, jealous, pig-headed, hot-tempered, impudent, [4] petulant, saucy, giddy, weak-natured, timid, unfortunate, proud, easily angered, careless and violent. [3]
A good example of Procyon is Donald Trump with Venus (0°42′) and Saturn (1°14′).
With Mars (0°56′): Cruelty, violence, scandal and slander, disgrace and ruin, the danger of dog bites, [3] pride, controversy, questionable statements, insensitivity and a complete lack of compassion for others. [1]
Full Moon January 2025 Solutions
Full Moon sextile Uranus (0°36′) lowers your inhibitions and gives you the confidence to express your creative, inventive, and individual flare. It is excellent for learning more about science, technology, computers, and occult subjects like astrology, especially online. You can more easily break old habits and change outdated beliefs.
A more open-minded, adventurous, experimental, and progressive outlook allows you to leave your comfort zone, meet new people and try new things. Sudden change is possible, but you can adapt well to new conditions. Follow your intuition to make the most of any unexpected opportunities.
Mars trine Neptune (0°26′) tones down the aggressiveness of Mars with sensuality, tenderness and compassion. It is perfect for romance, and you can even find your soulmate. It is also ideal for channeling your energy into creative pursuits, especially dance, music, sculpture, and other physical outlets.
You can draw on strong spiritual courage and a fighting spirit to defend yourself and your loved ones. You can win battles now more through acts of kindness than attacking others. You may feel motivated to stand up for the underdog and downtrodden or become involved in religious or spiritual activities, particularly involving groups of people.
Full Moon January 2025 Meaning
The January 2025 full moon conjuncts Mars and a Mars-like star to create anger, hatred and conflict. Besides being ugly, the astrological offspring of Conor McGregor and Donald Trump would be extremely dangerous.
Positive Uranus and Neptune aspects allow you to channel your primal aggressive instincts into creative and spiritual outlets. However, they also provide a conduit for the destructive energy of Mars to manifest through sudden change, shocking events, religious extremism and spiritual warfare.
Or the result could be something in between. The January 13 full moon gives a fighting spirit. The astrological aspects allow it to be used for good, such as defending yourself or your family against threats or fighting for something you are passionate about.
Moon Phases
The influence of the January 13 full moon lasts two weeks until the January 29 new moon. Astrologically, a full moon is influenced by the preceding new moon. The December 30 new moon causes hardship and tension due to limiting structures that make it harder to get ahead. However, it also promotes humanitarian and progressive ideas and philosophies to solve the problems caused by greed, selfishness and intolerance.
If the Full Moon January 2025 astrology directly impacts your horoscope, you can read about it in your January horoscope. For more detail about how it affects your natal chart, see full moon transits.
Full Moon January 2025 Times and Dates
- Los Angeles – January 13, 2:26 pm
- New York – January 13, 5:26 pm
- London – January 13, 10:26 pm
- Delhi – January 14, 3:56 am
- Sydney – January 14, 9:26 am
- The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.106, 108, 321.
- Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning, Richard H. Allen, 1889, p.233.
- Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.186, 191-192.
- Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1971, p.34, 36.
- 2025 Moon Phases - January 2025 Horoscope - 2025 Horoscope