This post was originally published on Astrology King
The Sagittarius new moon on December 1, 2024, is square Saturn. So, the spiritual meaning of the December 2024 new moon astrology is taking responsibility, meeting obligations and reducing inhibitions, guilt and fears.
This challenging new moon in December 2024 may cause a spiritual crisis of confidence, doubt and uncertainty about our meaning in a world of increasing polarity, immorality, injustice and despair. However, this negativity can be transformed into positive change and achievement through hard work, self-discipline, optimism and faith.
New Moon December 2024 Astrology
The new moon on Sunday, December 1, 2024, is at 09°32′ Sagittarius. The chart below shows the new moon trine Mars, opposite Jupiter and square Saturn.
However, the Sun trined Mars four days before this new moon and separating aspects are weaker than applying aspects. The Jupiter and Saturn aspects are applying, so they are getting stronger, culminating with Jupiter square Saturn on December 24.
New Moon Renewal
Sun conjunct Moon represents cyclic renewal as a new 28-day moon phase begins. You can draw a line under the past, turn over a new leaf, and start fresh. You can also question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for creative and inventive new ways to grow and prosper.
The monthly alignment of the Sun and Moon reconciles your conscious ego and subconscious feelings to provide balance, focus and perspective. It gives a rejuvenating burst of energy, initiative, and enthusiasm. So, the new moon in December 2024 is excellent for defining your priorities and setting ambitious goals.
Hardship and Restriction
Sun square Saturn on December 4 can cause hardship, restrictions, delays, or setbacks that test your character and make it harder to achieve your goals. Extra responsibilities, obligations and burdens could cause stress and worry. Previous mean, abusive, disloyal or neglectful behavior could cause guilt and foreboding. You may experience criticism, rejection or ego-conflict, especially with superiors and authority figures.
Hard luck, loss, disappointment and sadness are possible. But pessimism, procrastination and self-pity will only compound problems. This aspect gives the strength, determination and endurance to overcome difficulties, remove obstacles, reduce inhibitions and fears, and resolve conflicts. Motivation, hard work, responsibility, dependability and diligence will bring achievement, authority, promotion, respect and recognition.
Sun opposite Jupiter on December 7 can cause laziness, carelessness, excess and extravagance. You may take things for granted, wish for more than you have or think you are missing out on something. This can cause dissatisfaction, jealousy, envy, and greed and amplify a lack of self-control, addictive behavior or immorality.
Overconfidence, excessive pride, vanity, boastfulness, selfishness, gluttony or overestimating your resources could lead to loss, embarrassment or legal troubles. The best approach is to be conservative, modest, charitable and thankful. Previous good deeds, generosity, selflessness and spiritual self-development may be rewarded with happiness, opportunities and good luck.
Taking Responsibility
Jupiter square Saturn climaxing on December 24 causes tension from a lack of opportunities, criticism or limiting circumstances. Your judgment may be impaired, you may lack initiative or become a slave to routine. Once-stable structures or long-held beliefs may break down, leaving you uncertain and unsure about your future.
A long-term problem with career, relationships, finances or destructive behaviors like addiction may reach a crisis point. Taking responsibility and fixing the problem may be painful, require isolation and cause frustration and uncertainty. However, hard work, determination and patience will bring new opportunities, positive change, spiritual growth, satisfaction and contentment.
New Moon December 2024 Stars
The star map below shows the December 1 new moon in the Constellation of Scorpius, not the Sign of Sagittarius as in the chart above. When the Horoscope Signs were invented over 2000 years ago, they roughly matched the Constellations around the ecliptic. However, since then, the precession of the equinoxes has moved the Constellations about 30 degrees forward.
Astrological influence comes from the physical Constellations, not the theoretical Signs. Stars emit energy, imaginary Signs do not. The Signs should only be used as a measuring device, as originally intended:
- 249°32′55″ (09♐32) – New Moon
- 249°34′16″ (09♐34) – ζ Ophiuchi, Saik
- 250°06′14″ (10♐06) – α Scorpii, Antares
Note: Zeta (ζ) Ophiuchi is named Saik in the image above, but astrologers use the traditional Chinese name Han.
The spiritual meaning of the new moon in December 2024 is influenced by two stars. Fixed star Han is much closer to the new moon than fixed star Antares. However, Antares is more than double the brightness of Han. It is one of the most powerful stars used in astrology. Also, the image above shows the Moon partially occulting Antares. A total lunar occultation of Antares occurs on December 28, 2024. [1]
Zeta Ophiuchi
Fixed star Han brings high preferment, wealth, honors and fame. Harsh aspects cause shamelessness, trouble and disgrace.
With the New Moon: Success in the military, politics, business, finance, sports, writing or art through application and industry but danger of disgrace and ruin. Possibility of unearned fame through help from superiors, infamy, and self-created problems that affect others through involvement in intriguing affairs or questionable activities. Risk of ailments affecting the right side of the spine and the center of the right buttock.
The Heart of the Scorpion
Fixed star Antares is a military star that gives courage, toughness, mental alertness, strategic ability, liberality and broad-mindedness. Harsh aspects give a malevolent, destructive, belligerent, pugnacious, rash, ravenous, headstrong, obstinate and daredevil nature. There is a risk of sudden and unforeseen events, violence, accidents, self-destruction, danger from fire, weapons and machinery, and violent death in battle or by the law.
With the New Moon: Popularity, authority, power, success, honor and wealth, especially in the military, politics, business, finance, sports, writing, philosophy, science or metaphysics, but only if deserved, and benefits may not last. There is the danger of treachery, violence committed or suffered, legal problems, sudden downfall, disgrace, ruin, violent death, drowning, assassination, fevers, sickness, injuries to the right eye and ailments affecting the adrenal glands, sciatic nerve and third vertebra from the bottom (fifth lumbar).
New Moon December 2024 Spiritual Meaning
The testing Saturn square gives the December 1 new moon negative polarity and indicates hardship, restriction, delay and disappointment. It also means the fixed stars aligned with the new moon manifest their more negative potential.
With Han, this means shamelessness, intriguing affairs or questionable activities causing trouble and disgrace. For the more potent Antares, it means obstinance, belligerence, malevolence, treachery, violence, destruction, sudden downfall, disgrace and ruin.
This leads to Jupiter square Saturn, the most significant planetary aspect of 2024 and 2025. It indicates a spiritual crisis of confidence, doubt and uncertainty about our meaning in a world of increasing polarity, immorality, injustice and despair.
The negative energy of this December 2024 new moon can be transformed into positive change and achievement through hard work, self-discipline, optimism and faith. It is ideal for taking responsibility, meeting obligations, paying back debts, acknowledging and eliminating destructive behaviors, beliefs and habits, and reducing inhibitions, guilt and fears.
Moon Phases
The influence of the December 1 new moon lasts four weeks up to the December 30 black moon. The best time to start new projects is during the two-week waxing moon phase, from December 1 to 15.
If the new moon in December 2024 astrology directly affects your Sign, you can read about it in your free Monthly Horoscope. Finally, see Sun Transits for more details about how it affects your natal chart.
New Moon December 2024 Times and Dates
- Los Angeles – November 30, 10:21 pm
- New York – December 1, 1:21 am
- London – December 1, 6:21 am
- Delhi – December 1, 11:51 am
- Sydney – December 1, 5:21 pm
- Mercury Retrograde November 2024 – Poisonous Thoughts