This post was originally published on Astrology Answers
If there were just one word to describe this week, it’d be “open.” Venus will enter Aries on the 4th, love and enthusiasm and excitement abound! Aries is the first of the zodiac, ready for anything and receptive to trying new things.
Coupled with Jupiter going direct on the same day, we’re overall opening ourselves up to more expansive opportunities at this powerful time. This energy will open us up to new possibilities for ourselves and others.
Of course, how it all exactly manifests depends on your individual circumstances and choices. That’s why, for the fullest possible overview, we also like to check in with the Tarot’s insights!
The Hierophant (Reversed)
Aries is knocking down the ways of the old and looking for something new.
Although there is a time and a place for The Hierophant’s systems of order, organization, and structure, the reversed energy of this card indicates that Aries isn’t all that interested right now.
You’re struggling to connect with tradition and the rules that have been put into place for you, perhaps looking for unconventional forms of commitment and breaking away from what you’ve currently signed on to.
This deviation from the norm can be uncomfortable, but this card overall challenges you to look outside the box while still taking your core values seriously.
Wheel of Fortune
Taurus, good fortune is on its way to finding you!
The Wheel of Fortune promises that the Universe is on your side… although you are going to have to trust and surrender a bit in order to get the most out of it.
This card can open you up to new possibilities, expand your horizons, and connect you further to what you might consider your true “fate” or “destiny.” The only catch is that you’ll have to loosen the reins on your control, let loose, and trust fall into the hands of the Universe.
Embrace the unknowns, Taurus. There are good things waiting for you inside them!
Gemini, find the balance within, and you’ll also find it everywhere.
Justice calls you to logical, fair, and reasonable order. Think, feel, and move with clarity and rationality, and you’ll be aligning well with how this energy is meant to work.
You’re more than capable of being fair and objective at this time. It’s important to prioritize what you know is true and honest and not take shortcuts into what’s easy.
Read this next: You Pulled the Justice Tarot Card — Now What?
Ace of Wands (Reversed)
Cancer, your ambitions need the right ideas fueling them.
The Ace of Wands reversed shows Cancerians struggling to land on any new inspiration or passion to ignite their motivation.
You may feel burnt out even without doing much at all, and it’s because you’re struggling to connect with fresh ideas or opportunities that can actually resonate with your true spirit.
Don’t rush into any action right now just for the thrill of “doing something.” Use this week as an opportunity to give yourself time and space to develop the inspiration you need naturally.
The Lovers (Reversed)
Leo, love is in the air… but it’s highly complicated.
The Lovers reversed spotlights romance, decision-making, and heightened feelings — and it’s messy right now, too.
You may feel passionate about a special someone but also feel completely uncertain about what to do next. You may want romance and excitement but also feel disconnected from those around you. You may even feel ready to take brave steps into the unknown, only to find that the doors are closing before you can knock on them.
Although this week will feel like a time of blockages, it’s actually a moment of pause and reflection to get your ducks in a row in this area of life.
8 of Cups (Reversed)
Virgo, you’ll need to move on, even if it’s hard.
The 8 of Cups reversed suggests that it’s time to emotionally progress beyond the past and even the present. Nothing is waiting for you back there, and you’ll need to cut out the familiar in order to make way for the new.
The reversal hints that you’re resistant to letting go of what you see as still having some potential — and it’s a very admirable Virgo quality to still find the good in things, to want to work on what’s unfinished.
However, you’re being asked to move forward nonetheless. This is a time of progress, after all!
8 of Pentacles
Libra can look forward to a week of heightened productivity!
The 8 of Pentacles brings you forward-moving, productive, steady progress, especially in the realm of finances, the home, and career.
It’s not exactly a glamorous card of riches, but it’s one step closer to the abundance you seek and hints that the Universe is aligned with a solid week of getting items checked off your to-do list.
What will you get done during this time, Libra?
The Moon
Although Scorpio is known for their intuitive intensity, this week in particular highlights that quality of yours.
The Moon spotlights the intuition, dreams, and the unconscious. This week may be intense and chaotic in this area, but it can also be illuminating, powerful, and eye-opening too.
Connect with the forces within… and outside of you, even if they are unseen to the human eye.
What is your intuition telling you?
7 of Swords (Reversed)
Sagittarius, don’t take the easy way out!
The 7 of Swords reversed discourages you from getting caught up in the chaos and mischief of the world around you.
Although other people may be engaging in hyper-competitive, individualistic behavior and forcing you to read between the lines of their communication, you don’t have to engage or stoop to that level.
This card is a heads up that others may be utilizing less-than-savory methods to get ahead… and a warning that it won’t serve you well to copy.
Capricorn is embracing a soft, patient, and intuitively aligned spirit this week.
Temperance shows you in alignment with your inner peace and balance. This is a great time for creativity, spiritual pursuits, and peacefully approaching all situations with an open mind.
In other words, you can truly trust yourself right now!
You have a solid connection with what really matters on the inside, and you know intuitively where you’re meant to go from here.
The Fool (Reversed)
Aquarius wants to advance into new things, but your movements may be rushed and haphazard.
The Fool reversed suggests that you’re ready for the opportunities and fresh starts that the world has to offer you, but you may also be too ready.
Be careful that you’re not just saying “yes” to anything that comes your way. You still need to be discerning, Aquarius. It’s possible to be open-minded and thoughtful about your next steps.
It’s A-ok to be excited about what’s to come! Just ensure that you’re truly making the most of it by accepting the right opportunities, too.
4 of Wands
Pisces has a fun, uplifting week ahead full of friendship and connection.
The 4 of Wands highlights your relationships with others, indicating that your friendships and connections at this time have the potential to be truly uplifting, exciting, and important.
This may be a time of celebration for some Pisceans, and it may just be a casual, lighthearted moment of excitement for others.
Either way, though, it’s clear that good humor, good friends, and an open heart are key to enjoying yourself this week.
Your Guide to This Week’s Energy
Reading your Tarotscope can be an illuminating, exciting process that aligns you with the Universe’s whims… and your own, too!
Whether you feel more or less ready to tackle the energy described in your weekly Tarot card, you can prepare in other ways for the times ahead, too.
Here are some of our favorite essentials for this week’s energy:
Recommended for you: The BEST Beginner, Intermediate, & Advanced Tarot Spreads You Should Try
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